Passport Loader

Extracting barcode information from PDF documents


In this tutorial, we will look into how to use PassportPDF to extract information embedded in a barcode.

You should have your machine already set up using instructions from our getting started guide.

Extracting barcode information from PDF documents

In the following tutorial, we are going to:

  1. Load a document from a URI using DocumentLoadFromURIAsync.
  2. Extract barcode information using ImageReadBarcodesAsync or ReadBarcodesAsync depending on the document format.

The document we passed to the API looks like this:

As you can see, there is a barcode on the invoice. It contains a message that we would like to extract. The code we used to extract this information is pretty simple, as shown below:

using PassportPDF.Api;
using PassportPDF.Client;

namespace BarcodeExtraction

    public class BarcodeExtractor
        static void displayBarcodesInfo(PassportPDF.Model.ReadBarcodesResponse barcodes)
            foreach (var barcode in barcodes.Barcodes)
                Console.WriteLine("Barcode type : {0}", barcode.Type);
                Console.WriteLine("Barcode symbology : {0}", barcode.Barcode1DSymbology);
                Console.WriteLine("X_left : {0}", barcode.X1);
                Console.WriteLine("Y_top : {0}", barcode.Y1);
                Console.WriteLine("X_right : {0}", barcode.X3);
                Console.WriteLine("Y_down : {0}", barcode.Y3);
                Console.WriteLine("Barcode data : {0}", barcode.Data);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            GlobalConfiguration.ApiKey = "YOUR-PASSPORT-CODE";
            DocumentApi api = new();

            var uri = "";
            var document = api.DocumentLoadFromURIAsync(new PassportPDF.Model.LoadDocumentFromURIParameters(uri)).Result;

            var imageSupportedFormats = new ImageApi().ImageGetSupportedFileExtensionsAsync().Result;

            if (imageSupportedFormats.Value.Contains(document.DocumentFormat.ToString()))
                ImageApi imageApi = new();

                var barcodes = imageApi.ImageReadBarcodesAsync(new PassportPDF.Model.ImageReadBarcodesParameters(document.FileId, "*")).Result;

            else if (document.DocumentFormat == PassportPDF.Model.DocumentFormat.PDF)
                PDFApi pdfApi = new();

                var barcodes = pdfApi.ReadBarcodesAsync(new PassportPDF.Model.PdfReadBarcodesParameters(document.FileId, "*")).Result;

                var pdfImportSupportedFormats = new PDFApi().GetPDFImportSupportedFileExtensionsAsync().Result;

                if (pdfImportSupportedFormats.Value.Contains(document.DocumentFormat.ToString()))
                    PDFApi pdfApi = new PDFApi();

                    var convertedDocument = pdfApi.LoadDocumentAsPDFFromHTTPAsync(new PassportPDF.Model.PdfLoadDocumentFromHTTPParameters(uri)).Result;

                    if(convertedDocument != null)
                        var barcodes = pdfApi.ReadBarcodesAsync(new PassportPDF.Model.PdfReadBarcodesParameters(convertedDocument.FileId, "*")).Result;

                    Console.WriteLine("Document format not supported!");

For a full version of this code with all dependencies included, check out the complete project.

Now, let’s take a look at the response we received.

As you can see, we get a lot of information about the barcode, such as the type of barcode, its symbology, the coordinates, and the message or data embedded. In our case, the data is

Final remarks

Using the barcodes reader from PassportPDF, you can read all sorts of barcodes, including:

  • Linear barcodes.
  • QR codes.
  • Micro QR codes.
  • Data matrix.
  • PDF417.
  • Aztec.
  • Maxi code.

Also, PassportPDF supports many document formats such as JPEG, PNG, and a hundred more. So you can run the API on most documents that you have.