PassportPDF REST API Reference
PassportPDF API (1.1.98)
Another brick in the cloud. | Download OpenAPI specification
PassportPDF API is a REST API that lets you perform complex operations on documents and images easily. You may consume the API by using one of our many open source SDKS available in a variety of languages, or any REST client by sending your requests to the appropriate endpoints.
Only HTTPS requests are accepted, and supported TLS versions range from 1.0 to 1.3.
After signing up on PassportPDF, you will be able to see and manage information about your passports. A passport contains a certain number of tokens, depending on the plan associated with it, which will be consumed as you make use of the API.
Each available operation has a base token cost, and a charge method which may vary depending on the type of service provided. You will find these information in the documentation of every operation listed on this page.
PassportPDF API does not use specific HTTP codes to indicate when a request could not be fullfiled, but instead returns a normal 200 response contaning JSON serialized detailed information about the reason of the failure.
Every response returned by an operation contains an Error in its definition, and its presence in a response indicates that something went wrong. It is therefore crucial for a client to always check that a JSON response does not contain a serialized Error object before proceeding further.
Note that no token is charged by the API whenever an error occurs.
Among the information given by the Error model, ResultCode specifies a value of the PassportPDFStatus enumeration, that defines a first level of error information. InternalErrorId defines a unique identifier for the error, which comes very handy for us to troubleshoot any issue you may encounter quickly.
ExtResultMessage | string or null Specifies a message which further describes the error. |
ExtResultStatus | string or null Specifies a result code related to an error which occurred in an external component. |
InternalErrorId | string or null Specifies a unique identifier, allowing to easily assess the error. |
ResultCode | string Default: "OK" Enum: "OK" "ActionTimedOut" "EmptyParameter" "InvalidAPIKey" "NotEnoughTokens" "GenericError" "InvalidParameter" "InvalidColor" "OutOfMemory" "NotImplemented" "FileNotFound" "AccessDenied" "CanNotImportFileToPDF" "PdfCanNotBeDecrypted" "PdfOperationNotAllowed" "PdfCanNotOpenFile" "PdfCanNotSaveFile" "CanNotCreateFile" "NoDocumentProvided" "CanNotRemovePage" "CanNotSwapPages" "CanNotMovePage" "CanNotRotatePage" "CanNotFlipPage" "InvalidPageRange" "CanNotReducePDF" "CanNotAutoDeskew" "CanNotSplit" "CanNotSaveAsJPEG" "CanNotDigiSign" "CanNotProtect" "CanNotConvertToPDFA" "CanNotAnnotate" "CanNotClearPage" "CanNotMerge" "CanNotGetPageThumbnail" "CanNotGetDocumentPreview" "CanNotRemovePageFormFields" "CanNotInsertImage" "CanNotDrawImage" "CanNotInsertPageNumber" "CanNotInsertText" "CanNotReadBarcode" "CanNotFlatten" "CanNotExportMoreThan2GigabyteFile" "CanNotOpenSession" "UnknownOrExpiredSession" "CanNotSaveFile" "CanNotRepairPDF" "UnsupportedImageFormat" "CanNotOCR" "CanNotOpenImage" "CanNotSaveAsPNG" "CanNotSaveAsTIFF" "CanNotSaveAsTIFFMultipage" "CanNotSetInfo" "CanNotSetPageBox" "CanNotExtractPage" "CanNotInsertNewPage" "CanNotClonePage" "CanNotSetInitialView" "CanNotAdjust" "CanNotResize" "CanNotFilter" "CanNotCleanupDocument" "UnknownDocumentFormat" "CanNotCrop" "CanNotRotate" "CanNotDetectColor" "CanNotConvertColorDepth" "PdfCanNotAddFont" "ActionExecutionRejected" "CanNotExtractText" "CanNotDetectBlankPages" "CanNotReadMICR" "CanNotDetectPageOrientation" "CanNotDeletePage" "CanNotSaveAsPDF" "CanNotExtractImage" "CanNotCloneImageRegion" "CanNotReorderPages" "CanNotAutoCrop" "CanNotScalePage" "CanNotMergePages" "CanNotGetMetaData" "CanNotSetMetadata" "CanNotRemoveText" "CanNotDownloadDocument" "CanNotRedact" "CanNotValidatePDFA" "CanNotConvertToGrayscale" "CanNotSaveAsJPEG2000" "HTTPTransferError" "CanNotReadMRZ" "CanNotAnalyzeDocument" "CanNotSmartRedact" "CanNotOpenDocument" "CanNotQueryDocument" "CanNotSaveAsDOCX" "CanNotSaveAsXLSX" "CanNotSaveAsPPTX" Specifies a PassportPDF status. |
{- "ResultCode": "OK",
- "ExtResultStatus": "string",
- "ExtResultMessage": "string",
- "InternalErrorId": "string"
Multipart upload/download is available and lets you directly stream a file to/from the API. For example, in the PDF APIs, LoadDocument/LoadDocumentMultipart and SaveDocument/SaveDocumentToFile may be used to upload/download a document using respectively binary data serialization and streaming multipart HTTP requests.
The second approach should be favored when dealing with large files, as it will be much more efficient in that context.
Gets the maximal length of a request content, in bytes.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | integer <int64> The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Gets the suggested client API timeout, in milliseconds.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | integer <int32> The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Gets the suggested maximum number of threads to be used simultaneously by a client application.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | integer <int32> The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Gets the list of supported fonts for text drawing operations.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
FamilyName | string or null Specifies the family name of the font, i.e: "Arial". |
FontStyle | string Default: "Regular" Enum: "Regular" "Bold" "Italic" "BoldItalic" Defines the different available font styles. |
Response samples
- 200
Gets the list of supported languages for OCR.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | Array of strings or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Performs AI analysis on any kind of document, of any format, from any source. The response provides extraction of structured data such as key-value pairs and tables as well as complete OCR.20 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An AnalyzeDocumentParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileContent | string or null <byte> If non empty, specifies the content of the file to be processed. |
FileId | string or null If non empty, specifies the identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Language | string or null Default: "eng" Specifies the language to be used for the OCR. Supported values are:
MeasurementUnit | string Default: "Pixel" Enum: "Pixel" "Points" "Inches" "Centimeters" Specifies the unit of measure for a given data type. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the page or the page range to be processed. |
Uri | string or null If non empty, specifies the uri of the file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (DocumentPage) Specifies a list of page results. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
SpreadsheetMLData | string or null <byte> Specifies an Open XML SpreadsheetML file containing all extracted tables of the document. |
Request samples
- Payload
{ }
Response samples
- 200
- This is a preview action - Produces an answer to an arbitrary text question related to a document, of any format, which can be provided from any source. The response provides the answer to the question.20 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
An QueryDocumentParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
Queries required | Array of strings Specifies the plain text queries. |
SecretKEY required | string non-empty Specifies the Open AI API Key. |
FileContent | string or null <byte> If non empty, specifies the content of the file to be processed. |
FileId | string or null If non empty, specifies the identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the page or the page range to be processed. |
PreserveParagraphs | boolean Default: false Specifies if the text extraction engine shall format text retaining paragraphs integrity. |
Uri | string or null If non empty, specifies the uri of the file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
Answers | Array of strings or null Specifies the answers to the queries. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "Queries": [
- "string"
], - "SecretKEY": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Performs smart redaction on any kind of document, of any format, from any source. The response provides detected marks and optionally the redacted document, as PDF format.20 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An SmartRedactionParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
Color | string or null Default: "black" Specifies the color for the resulting region color, using the color name (ie: "black") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). |
FileContent | string or null <byte> If non empty, specifies the content of the file to be processed. |
FileId | string or null If non empty, specifies the identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Immediate | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the redaction marks must be immediately. If set to false, only detected redaction marks will be produced in the response. |
Language | string or null Default: "eng" Specifies the language to be used for the OCR. Supported values are:
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the page or the page range to be processed. |
RedactCreditCardNumbers | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact credit card numbers. |
RedactEmailAddresses | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact email addresses. |
RedactIBANs | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact IBANs. |
RedactIPAddresses | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact IP addresses. |
RedactPhoneNumbers | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact phone numbers. |
RedactPostalAddresses | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact postal addresses. |
RedactSocialSecurityNumbers | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact social security numbers. |
RedactURIs | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact URIs. |
RedactVatIDs | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact VAT identifiers. |
RedactVehicleIdentificationNumbers | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the engine must redact vehicle identification numbers. |
Uri | string or null If non empty, specifies the uri of the file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileContent | string or null <byte> Specifies the produced file content. |
Array of objects or null (RedactionMark) Specifies a list of identified redaction marks. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{ }
Response samples
- 200
Closes a previously uploaded document.No token is charged for this operation.
Request Body schema:
A DocumentCloseParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets the format, the page count and a thumbnail of a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A GetDocumentPreviewParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty Specifies the identifier of the file to be previewed. |
ThumbnailBackgroundColor | string or null Default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" Specifies the background color of the thumbnail, using the color name (ie: "red") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). |
ThumbnailFitToPageSize | boolean Default: true Specifies if the size of the produced thumbnail is automatically adjusted to don't have any margin. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies, in pixels, the height of the thumbnail to be retrieved. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies, in pixels, the width of the thumbnail to be retrieved. |
Response Schema:
DocumentFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the page count of the document. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Loads the provided document file.1 token is charged per 10 MB of the input file size.
Request Body schema:
A LoadDocumentFromByteArrayParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
Content required | string <byte> Specifies the data of the document. |
ContentEncoding | string Default: "Identity" Enum: "Identity" "Gzip" Indicates the encoding mode of data. |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the document. |
GetPreview | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the response must contain a thumbnail of the first page of the document. |
ThumbnailBackgroundColor | string or null Default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" Specifies the background color of the thumbnail, using the color name (ie: "red") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailFitToPageSize | boolean Default: true Specifies if the size of the produced thumbnail is automatically adjusted to don't have any margin. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies, in pixels, the height of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies, in pixels, the width of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
Response Schema:
DocumentFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileId | string or null Specifies the file identifier of the loaded document. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages into the loaded document. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. Only applicable if the GetPreview field of the request has been set to true. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "Content": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Loads the provided document file from an URI.1 token is charged per 10 MB of the input file size.
Request Body schema:
A LoadDocumentFromURIParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
URI required | string non-empty Specifies the uri of the document. |
ContentEncoding | string Default: "Identity" Enum: "Identity" "Gzip" Indicates the encoding mode of data. |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the document. |
GetPreview | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the response must contain a thumbnail of the first page of the document. |
ThumbnailBackgroundColor | string or null Default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" Specifies the background color of the thumbnail, using the color name (ie: "red") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailFitToPageSize | boolean Default: true Specifies if the size of the produced thumbnail is automatically adjusted to don't have any margin. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies, in pixels, the height of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies, in pixels, the width of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
Response Schema:
DocumentFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileId | string or null Specifies the file identifier of the loaded document. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages into the loaded document. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. Only applicable if the GetPreview field of the request has been set to true. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "URI": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Loads the provided document file using Multipart Upload.1 token is charged per 10 MB of the input file size.
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
fileData required | string <binary> |
object (LoadDocumentParameters) Represents the parameters for importing a document. |
Response Schema:
DocumentFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileId | string or null Specifies the file identifier of the loaded document. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages into the loaded document. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. Only applicable if the GetPreview field of the request has been set to true. |
Response samples
- 200
All the DocuVieware-related APIs. DocuViewere also includes a JavaScript client API fully documented here:
Gets the HTML dom of a DocuVieware control.3 tokens are charged for each document loaded through the delivered DocuVieware control, as well as 1 token per 10 MB of their total size.
Request Body schema:
A DocuViewareGetControlParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
required | object (DocuViewareControlState) Specifies configuration and appearance state of a DocuVieware control. |
SessionID required | string non-empty Specifies the unique identifier used to identify the user session. |
Response Schema:
Element | string or null The element content, as HTML format. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "SessionID": "string",
- "ControlState": { }
Response samples
- 200
Saves the document being handled by a specific DocuVieware control, in its current state.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A DocuViewareSaveParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
ControlId required | string non-empty Specifies the identifier associated with the control. |
FileName required | string non-empty Specifies the name of the file to create. |
Format required | string non-empty Specifies the format of the document to save. Supported values are tiff, pdf, pdf/a, pdf/a1a, pdf/a1b, pdf/a2a, pdf/a2b, pdf/a2u, pdf/a3a, pdf/a3b, pdf/a3u. |
SessionId required | string non-empty Specifies the unique identifier used to identify the user session. |
ApplyViewRotation | boolean Default: false Specifies whether page rotation(s) applied during the viewing cycle must be applied to the produced document as well. |
DropAnnotations | boolean Default: false Specifies whether annotations must be removed from the produced document. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved into the new file. |
Response Schema:
Content | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the produced file. |
ContentType | string or null Specifies content type of the produced data. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "SessionId": "string",
- "ControlId": "string",
- "FileName": "string",
- "Format": "string"
Response samples
- 200
All the image-related APIs. You can use ImageGetSupportedFileExtensions to obtain all the file extensions which can be loaded through these APIs.
Adjusts a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageAdjustParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to adjust. |
AutoContrastEnhancement | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the contrast shall be automatically enhanced. |
Brightness | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the brightness parameter. The parameter has to be in the range [-100..100]. |
Contrast | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the contrast parameter. The parameter has to be in the range [-100..100]. |
ContrastHistogramStretch | boolean Default: false Specifies whether a contrast histogram stretch filter shall be performed. |
GammaCorrection | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the gamma correction parameter. The parameter has to be in the range [-100..100]. |
RoiHeight | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the height, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
RoiLeft | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the left coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiTop | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the top coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiWidth | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the width, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
Saturation | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the saturation parameter. The parameter has to be in the range [-100..100]. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Automatically crops a previously uploaded image.2 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageAutoCropParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to crop. |
Confidence | number <float> Default: 92 Specifies the confidence threshold in percentage. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Cleanup a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageCleanupDocumentParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to cleanup. |
Deskew | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the document shall be deskewed. |
DespeckleStrength | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the strength of the despeckle filter to be applied on the image. The value has to be in the range [0..100]. 0 disables the despeckle. The greater the strength, the more pixels will be removed from the image. |
RemoveBlackBorders | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the dark borders of the document image shall be replaced with white content. |
RemoveBottomMarginPunchHoles | boolean Default: false Specifies whether punch holes shall be removed from the bottom margin of the document. |
RemoveLeftMarginPunchHoles | boolean Default: false Specifies whether punch holes shall be removed from the left margin of the document. |
RemoveRightMarginPunchHoles | boolean Default: false Specifies whether punch holes shall be removed from the right margin of the document. |
RemoveTopMarginPunchHoles | boolean Default: false Specifies whether punch holes shall be removed from the top margin of the document. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Clones regions from a previously uploaded image into new images.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageCloneRegionsParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
required | Array of objects (ImageRegion) The regions to be cloned. |
Response Schema:
Array of objects or null (ClonedImageRegion) The images created as a result of the action. | |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "ImageRegions": [
- { }
Response samples
- 200
Closes a previously uploaded image.No token is charged for this operation.
Request Body schema:
An ImageCloseParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Converts the color depth of a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageConvertColorDepthParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
ConvertColorDepthMode required | string Default: "Depth1Bpp" Enum: "Depth1Bpp" "Depth1BppOtsu" "Depth1BppBradley" "Depth1BppSauvola" "Depth1BppFast" "Depth4Bpp16" "Depth4BppQ" "Depth8BppGrayScale" "Depth8BppGrayScaleAdv" "Depth8Bpp216" "Depth8BppQ" "Depth16BppRGB555" "Depth16BppRGB565" "Depth24BppRGB" "Depth32BppARGB" "Depth32BppRGB" "Depth32BppPARGB" "Depth48BppRGB" "Depth64BppARGB" "Depth64BppPARGB" Specifies the modes when changing the color depth of an image. |
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to process. |
Depth1BppBradleyThreshold | integer <int32> Default: 38 Specifies the threshold for a conversion using the Depth1BppBradley method. The value must be in the range [0..254] (suggested is 38). The higher the value, the whiter the resulting bitmap. |
Depth1BppOtsuThreshold | integer <int32> Default: 50 Specifies the threshold for a conversion using the Depth1BppOtsu method. The value must be in the range [0..100] (suggested is 50). The higher the value, the whiter the resulting bitmap. |
Depth1BppSauvolaFactor | number <float> Default: 0.35 Specifies the factor for a conversion using the Depth1BppSauvola method. The value must be in the range ]0..1[ (suggested is 0.35). The higher the value, the lighter the resulting bitmap. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "ConvertColorDepthMode": "Depth1Bpp"
Response samples
- 200
Crops a previously uploaded image.2 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageCropParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
CropBoxHeight required | integer <int32> Specifies the crop box height. |
CropBoxLeft required | integer <int32> Specifies the crop box left coordinate. |
CropBoxTop required | integer <int32> Specifies the crop box top coordinate. |
CropBoxWidth required | integer <int32> Specifies the crop box width. |
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to crop. |
CropUnit | string Default: "Pixel" Enum: "Pixel" "Percent" Specifies the unit in which a crop box is expressed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "CropBoxLeft": 0,
- "CropBoxTop": 0,
- "CropBoxWidth": 0,
- "CropBoxHeight": 0
Response samples
- 200
Deletes a page range from a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
An ImageDeletePageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded image to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be deleted. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Detects the blank page(s) from a previously uploaded image and offers to remove them.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageDetectBlankPagesParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of page to be processed. |
RemoveDetectedBlankPages | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the detected blank page(s) shall be removed. |
Response Schema:
DetectedBlankPages | Array of integers or null <int32> Specifies the number of the pages which have been detected to be blank. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Performs color detection on a previously uploaded image.2 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageDetectColorParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to perform color detection on. |
AutoConvert | boolean Default: false Specifies whether to automatically convert the image in its best suited/optimized bits-per-pixel encoding. |
AutoRepairCharacters | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the characters shall be repaired during bitonal conversion, if any, or not. This feature is suggested for scanned gray papers acquired in color. |
Response Schema:
Array of objects or null (ColorDetectionResult) Specifies the result of the color detection operation performed on each page. | |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Detects the orientation of the page(s) of a previously uploaded image and offers to automatically rotate them.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImagedetectPageOrientationParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be processed. |
AutomaticallyApplyRotation | boolean Default: true Specifies whether a rotation shall be automatically applied in order to correct the page orientation when needed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageOrientationInfo) Holds information about the detected page orientations. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Applies filters to a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageFilterParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Filters required | Array of strings (ImageFilters) Items Enum: "addNoise" "aqua" "blur" "diffuse" "fire" "grayscale" "sepia" "negative" "pixelize" "relief" "scanLine" "sharpen" "smooth" "edgeEnhancement" "contour" "emboss" "engrave" "dilate" "erode" "connectedContour" "soften" "colorize" "gaussian" "max" "min" "subtractBackground" "unsharpmask" Specifies an array of filters to be applied. A maximum of 5 entries is supported. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to apply the filter(s) to. |
ColorizeHue | number <float> Default: 0 Hue for the colorization effect (if enabled) [0..100]. |
ColorizeLuminosity | number <float> Default: 0 Luminosity for the colorization effect (if enabled) [0..100]. |
ColorizeSaturation | number <float> Default: 0 Saturation for the colorization effect (if enabled) [0..100]. |
GaussianKernelSize | integer <int32> Default: 3 Specifies the kernel size for the Gaussian filter (if enabled). The size of the square kernel to use. Should be a odd value. For example, a size of 3 will involve 3 * 3 pixels in each pass. The larger the value the more blur you get. The range is larger or equal than 3, and less than the Image's Smaller Dimension (Width, Height) divided by 2. Suggested value is 3 for a [96-120] DPI image and 5 for a [200-250] dpi bitmap. |
MaxKernelSize | integer <int32> Default: 2 Specifies the kernel size for the maximum filter (if enabled). How much smaller should objects become in each direction of the four directions, left, right, top, and bottom. This value should be larger than 1 and smaller than Image's Smaller Dimension (Width or Height) divided by 2. |
MedianKernelSize | integer <int32> Default: 4 Specifies the kernel size for the median filter (if enabled). Level corresponding to number of pixels to include in the median operation, where Level = n, corresponds to (n*2+1)^2 pixels to be included. For Example, KernelSize = 1 includes 9 pixels in the median operation, KernelSize = 2 includes 25 pixels in the median operation. Range from 1 to 60. |
MinKernelSize | integer <int32> Default: 2 Specifies the kernel size for the minimum filter (if enabled). How large should objects grow in each direction of the four directions, left, right, top, and bottom This value should be larger than 1 and smaller than Image's Smaller Dimension (Width or Height) divided by 2. |
RoiHeight | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the height, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
RoiLeft | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the left coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiTop | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the top coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiWidth | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the width, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
SoftenValue | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the value for the soften filter (if enabled). Factor between 1 and 100. |
SubtractBackgroundLightBackground | boolean Default: true Whether a background is lighter or not than the foreground.Value >= true. |
SubtractBackgroundRollingBallSize | integer <int32> Default: 50 Size of ball rolled under the image. Controlled the amount of subtraction. Value >= 50. |
UnsharpMaskAmount | number <double> Default: 0.5 Amount of Contrast to be added to areas of edges where filter will be applies. It controls how much darker and how much brighter the edges become. Proper value is 0.5, Value between 0.0-5.0. |
UnsharpMaskRadius | integer <int32> Default: 5 Size of Edges to become after the unsharp mask effect is applied. It controls how wide they get after the filter is applied. Radius and Amount interact, reducing one, allows more of the other. Minimum Value of Radius should be 3 or more to allow for enough pixels surrounding the edge to be investigated. If value passed less than 3 is passed it will be ammended automatically to 3. Proper value is 5. Value >= 3. |
UnsharpMaskThreshold | integer <int32> Default: 40 Specifies the amount of edges to be sharpened. Smaller values sharpen more, higher values exclude the subtle edges from being sharpened. Proper value is 40. Value between 0-255. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "Filters": [
- "addNoise"
Response samples
- 200
Gets a thumbnail of each page within the provided page range from a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
A PDFGetPageThumbnailParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of pages to get a thumbnail from. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies the height, in points, of the thumbnail(s). The minimum and maximum values are respectively 1 and 4096. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies the width, in points, of the thumbnail(s). The minimum and maximum values are respectively 1 and 4096. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) Contains all the obtained thumbnails. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets the supported file extensions by the image loading actions.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | Array of strings or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Loads the provided image file. Supported image formats can be retrieved by the GetSupportedImageFileExtensions action.1 token is charged per 10 MB of the input file size.
Request Body schema:
A LoadImageFromByteArrayParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
Content required | string <byte> Specifies the data of the image. |
ContentEncoding | string Default: "Identity" Enum: "Identity" "Gzip" Indicates the encoding mode of data. |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the document. |
GetPreview | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the response must contain a thumbnail of the first page of the document. |
ThumbnailBackgroundColor | string or null Default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" Specifies the background color of the thumbnail, using the color name (ie: "red") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailFitToPageSize | boolean Default: true Specifies if the size of the produced thumbnail is automatically adjusted to don't have any margin. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies, in pixels, the height of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies, in pixels, the width of the thumbnail to be retrieved. Only applicable if GetPreview has been set to true. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileId | string or null Specifies the file identifier of the loaded image document. |
FileSize | integer <int64> Specifies the size of the loaded image file. |
ImageFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages into the loaded image. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. Only applicable if the GetPreview field of the request has been set to true. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "Content": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Loads the provided image file using Multipart Upload. Supported image formats can be retrieved by the GetSupportedImageFileExtensions action.1 token is charged per 10 MB of the input file size.
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
fileData required | string <binary> |
object (LoadImageParameters) Represents the parameters for importing an image. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileId | string or null Specifies the file identifier of the loaded image document. |
FileSize | integer <int64> Specifies the size of the loaded image file. |
ImageFormat | string Default: "UNKNOWN" Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ICO" "BMP" "WBMP" "JPEG" "GIF" "PNG" "TIFF" "FAXG3" "EXIF" "EMF" "WMF" "JNG" "KOALA" "IFF" "MNG" "PCD" "PCX" "PBM" "PBMRAW" "PFM" "PGM" "PGMRAW" "PPM" "PPMRAW" "RAS" "TARGA" "PSD" "CUT" "XBM" "XPM" "DDS" "HDR" "SGI" "EXR" "J2K" "JP2" "PICT" "RAW" "WEBP" "DICOM" "JBIG" "JBIG2" "WSQ" "PDF" "SVG" "TXT" "DOCX" "RTF" "DXF" "ODT" "XLSX" "PPTX" "DOC" "XLS" "PPT" "HTML" "HEIF" "MSG" "EML" "PostScript" Specifies the format of a document. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages into the loaded image. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
ThumbnailData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of a thumbnail from the first page of the document, in PNG format. Only applicable if the GetPreview field of the request has been set to true. |
Response samples
- 200
Reads barcodes from a previously uploaded image.2 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageReadBarcodesParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to read the barcodes from. |
RoiHeight | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the height, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
RoiLeft | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the left coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiTop | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the top coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiWidth | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the width, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
ScanBarcode1D | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type 1D shall be read. |
ScanBarcodeAztec | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type Aztec shall be read. |
ScanBarcodeDataMatrix | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type Data Matrix shall be read. |
ScanBarcodeMaxiCode | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type MaxiCode shall be read. |
ScanBarcodeMicroQR | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type Micro QR shall be read. |
ScanBarcodePDF417 | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type PDF 147 shall be read. |
ScanBarcodeQR | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the barcodes of type QR shall be read. |
ScanMode | string Default: "FavorAccuracy" Enum: "FavorSpeed" "FavorAccuracy" Defines the different available scan modes. |
Response Schema:
Array of objects or null (BarcodeInfo) Specifies the information of the different barcodes which have been read. | |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Performs MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) recognition on any kind of document, of any format, from any source.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageReadMICRParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
Context required | string Default: "LineFinding" Enum: "LineFinding" "WholeDocument" Specifies the MICR context, i.e. the layout type of the data to be recognized. . |
Font required | string Default: "E13B" Enum: "E13B" "CMC7" Specifies the two major MICR fonts in use. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of page to be processed. |
ExpectedSymbolsCount | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the number of symbols expected to be detected, use 0 if unknown. |
FileContent | string or null <byte> If non empty, specifies the content of the file to be processed. |
FileId | string or null If non empty, specifies the identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
RoiHeight | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the height, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
RoiLeft | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the left coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiTop | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the top coordinate, in pixel, of the region to process. |
RoiWidth | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the width, in pixel, of the region to process. 0 causes the entire image to be processed. |
Uri | string or null If non empty, specifies the uri of the file to be processed. |
WhiteList | string or null Default: "" Specifies the characters to be ignored by the recognition process. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Array of objects or null (MICRResult) Holds the results of the MICR operations. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "PageRange": "string",
- "Font": "E13B",
- "Context": "LineFinding"
Response samples
- 200
Performs MRZ (Machine-Readable Zone) recognition on any kind of document, of any format, from any source.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageReadMRZParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of page to be processed. |
FileContent | string or null <byte> If non empty, specifies the content of the file to be processed. |
FileId | string or null If non empty, specifies the identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Uri | string or null If non empty, specifies the uri of the file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Array of objects or null (MRZResult) Holds the results of the MRZ recognition operations. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Resizes a previously uploaded image.2 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageResizeParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to resize. |
ResizeHorizontal required | number <float> Specifies the resize horizontal parameter. |
ResizeVertical required | number <float> Specifies the resize vertical parameter. |
ResizeMode | string Default: "Auto" Enum: "Auto" "NearestNeighbor" "Box" "Lanczos3" "Bilinear" "Bicubic" "Bspline" "CatmullRomSpline" The algorithm to be used during resizing. |
ResizeUnit | string Default: "Pixel" Enum: "Pixel" "Percent" Specifies the unit of measure for the given data. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "ResizeHorizontal": 0,
- "ResizeVertical": 0
Response samples
- 200
Rotates and/or flips a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageRotateParameters object specifying the parameters for the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to rotate. |
RotationAngle required | number <float> Specifies the rotation angle, clockwise in degrees, which can be either positive and negative and any multiple of 90. |
FlipHorizontally | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the page(s) shall be flipped horizontally. |
FlipVertically | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the page(s) shall be flipped vertically. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "RotationAngle": 0
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as JPEG, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsJPEGParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
JPEGSubsamplingMode | string Default: "Default" Enum: "Default" "Y4Cb1Cr1" "Y4Cb2Cr0" "Y4Cb2Cr2" "Y4Cb4Cr4" Specifies the different available chroma subsampling mode for image compression in JPEG images. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as JPEG. |
Progressive | boolean Default: false Specifies if the encoded JPEG image must be progressive. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the JPEG compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) The image(s) saved as JPEG. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as JPEG2000, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsJPEG2000Parameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as JPEG2000. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the JPEG2000 compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) The image(s) saved as JPEG2000. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as JPEG2000, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsJPEGParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as JPEG2000. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the JPEG2000 compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as JPEG, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsJPEGParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
JPEGSubsamplingMode | string Default: "Default" Enum: "Default" "Y4Cb1Cr1" "Y4Cb2Cr0" "Y4Cb2Cr2" "Y4Cb4Cr4" Specifies the different available chroma subsampling mode for image compression in JPEG images. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as JPEG. |
Progressive | boolean Default: false Specifies if the encoded JPEG image must be progressive. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the JPEG compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PDF, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImagesaveAsPDFParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
BitonalImageCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
Conformance | string Default: "PDF15" Enum: "Unknown" "PDF10" "PDF11" "PDF12" "PDF13" "PDF14" "PDF15" "PDF16" "PDF17" "PDF20" "PDFA1a" "PDFA1b" "PDFA2a" "PDFA2u" "PDFA2b" "PDFA3a" "PDFA3u" "PDFA3b" "PDFUA1" "PDFA4" "PDFA4e" "PDFA4f" Specifies PDF versions and conformance levels of a PDF document. |
DownscaleResolution | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the resolution for downscaling images, if any. A value of 0 results in no downscaling. |
EnableColorDetection | boolean Default: false Specifies is color detection must be used. |
FastWebView | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the PDF shall be optimized for online distribution. |
ImageQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the quality to be used for the compression of the images from the PDF. Must be in the range [0 (best compression - worst quality) - 100 (worst quality - best compression)]. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PDF. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the saved document. |
PdfData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the produced PDF. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PDF, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImagesaveAsPDFParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
BitonalImageCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
Conformance | string Default: "PDF15" Enum: "Unknown" "PDF10" "PDF11" "PDF12" "PDF13" "PDF14" "PDF15" "PDF16" "PDF17" "PDF20" "PDFA1a" "PDFA1b" "PDFA2a" "PDFA2u" "PDFA2b" "PDFA3a" "PDFA3u" "PDFA3b" "PDFUA1" "PDFA4" "PDFA4e" "PDFA4f" Specifies PDF versions and conformance levels of a PDF document. |
DownscaleResolution | integer <int32> Default: 0 Specifies the resolution for downscaling images, if any. A value of 0 results in no downscaling. |
EnableColorDetection | boolean Default: false Specifies is color detection must be used. |
FastWebView | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the PDF shall be optimized for online distribution. |
ImageQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the quality to be used for the compression of the images from the PDF. Must be in the range [0 (best compression - worst quality) - 100 (worst quality - best compression)]. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PDF. |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PDF using MRC compression, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.4 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImagesaveAsPDFMRCParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Author | string or null Default: "" Specifies the author's name specified within the PDF to generate. |
AutoRotate | boolean Default: false Specifies whether automatic page rotation is activated. |
BitonalImageCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG2000" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
Conformance | string Default: "PDF15" Enum: "Unknown" "PDF10" "PDF11" "PDF12" "PDF13" "PDF14" "PDF15" "PDF16" "PDF17" "PDF20" "PDFA1a" "PDFA1b" "PDFA2a" "PDFA2u" "PDFA2b" "PDFA3a" "PDFA3u" "PDFA3b" "PDFUA1" "PDFA4" "PDFA4e" "PDFA4f" Specifies PDF versions and conformance levels of a PDF document. |
DownscaleResolution | integer <int32> Default: 100 Specifies the resolution for downscaling the background layer, if any. A value of 0 results in no downscaling. |
FastWebView | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the PDF shall be optimized for online distribution. |
ImageQuality | integer <int32> Default: 60 Specifies the quality to be used for the compression of the images from the PDF. Must be in the range [0 (best compression - worst quality) - 100 (worst quality - best compression)]. |
JBIG2PMSThreshold | number <float> Default: 0.85 Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0.4 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression. |
Keywords | string or null Default: "" Specifies the keywords associated with the PDF to generate0 |
Metadata | string or null Default: "" Specifies the metadata contained within the PDF to generate0 |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PDF MRC. |
PreserveSmoothing | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the MRC engine should try to preserve smoothing between different layers. Enabling this option should globally enhance the text quality but also reduce the compression rate. |
Producer | string or null Default: "" Specifies the producer's name specified within the PDF to generate. |
Subject | string or null Default: "" Specifies the document's subject specified within the PDF to generate. |
Title | string or null Default: "" Specifies the document's title specified within the PDF to generate. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the saved document. |
PdfData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the produced PDF. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PDF using MRC compression, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).4 tokens are charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImagesaveAsPDFMRCParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Author | string or null Default: "" Specifies the author's name specified within the PDF to generate. |
AutoRotate | boolean Default: false Specifies whether automatic page rotation is activated. |
BitonalImageCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG2000" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
Conformance | string Default: "PDF15" Enum: "Unknown" "PDF10" "PDF11" "PDF12" "PDF13" "PDF14" "PDF15" "PDF16" "PDF17" "PDF20" "PDFA1a" "PDFA1b" "PDFA2a" "PDFA2u" "PDFA2b" "PDFA3a" "PDFA3u" "PDFA3b" "PDFUA1" "PDFA4" "PDFA4e" "PDFA4f" Specifies PDF versions and conformance levels of a PDF document. |
DownscaleResolution | integer <int32> Default: 100 Specifies the resolution for downscaling the background layer, if any. A value of 0 results in no downscaling. |
FastWebView | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the PDF shall be optimized for online distribution. |
ImageQuality | integer <int32> Default: 60 Specifies the quality to be used for the compression of the images from the PDF. Must be in the range [0 (best compression - worst quality) - 100 (worst quality - best compression)]. |
JBIG2PMSThreshold | number <float> Default: 0.85 Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0.4 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression. |
Keywords | string or null Default: "" Specifies the keywords associated with the PDF to generate0 |
Metadata | string or null Default: "" Specifies the metadata contained within the PDF to generate0 |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PDF MRC. |
PreserveSmoothing | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the MRC engine should try to preserve smoothing between different layers. Enabling this option should globally enhance the text quality but also reduce the compression rate. |
Producer | string or null Default: "" Specifies the producer's name specified within the PDF to generate. |
Subject | string or null Default: "" Specifies the document's subject specified within the PDF to generate. |
Title | string or null Default: "" Specifies the document's title specified within the PDF to generate. |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PNG, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsPNGParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | integer <int32> Default: 6 Specifies the level of compression to be used for the PNG output, between 0 (no compression - faster encoding) to 9(max compression - slower encoding). |
Interlaced | boolean Default: false Specifies if the produced PNG image must be interlaced. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PNG. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) The image(s) saved as PNG. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as PNG, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsPNGParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | integer <int32> Default: 6 Specifies the level of compression to be used for the PNG output, between 0 (no compression - faster encoding) to 9(max compression - slower encoding). |
Interlaced | boolean Default: false Specifies if the produced PNG image must be interlaced. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as PNG. |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as TIFF, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsTIFFParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | string Default: "Auto" Enum: "Deflate" "CCITT3" "CCITT4" "LZW" "JPEG" "RLE" "Auto" Specifies the TIFF compression when saving images in TIFF format. |
JpegQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used if JPEG compression is used, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as TIFF. |
UseCMYK | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the TIFF shall be saved in CMYK color space or not. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) The image(s) saved as TIFF. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as TIFF, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsTIFFParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | string Default: "Auto" Enum: "Deflate" "CCITT3" "CCITT4" "LZW" "JPEG" "RLE" "Auto" Specifies the TIFF compression when saving images in TIFF format. |
JpegQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used if JPEG compression is used, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as TIFF. |
UseCMYK | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the TIFF shall be saved in CMYK color space or not. |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as multipage TIFF, and sends the file data in a JSON-serialized object.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsTIFFMultipageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | string Default: "Auto" Enum: "Deflate" "CCITT3" "CCITT4" "LZW" "JPEG" "RLE" "Auto" Specifies the TIFF compression when saving images in TIFF format. |
JpegQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used if JPEG compression is used, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as TIFF. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileName | string or null Specifies the name of the saved document. |
ImageData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the produced multipage TIFF. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Saves a previously uploaded image as multipage TIFF, and streams the file binary data to the response (this is the most efficient download method).1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSaveAsTIFFMultipageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Compression | string Default: "Auto" Enum: "Deflate" "CCITT3" "CCITT4" "LZW" "JPEG" "RLE" "Auto" Specifies the TIFF compression when saving images in TIFF format. |
JpegQuality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used if JPEG compression is used, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be saved as TIFF. |
Response Schema:
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Swaps two pages from a previously uploaded image.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
An ImageSwapPagesParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Page1 required | integer <int32> Specifies the number of the first page. |
Page2 required | integer <int32> Specifies the number of the second page. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "Page1": 0,
- "Page2": 0
Response samples
- 200
No token is charged for this operation.
query Parameters
passportId required | string |
Response Schema:
CurrentTokensUsed | integer <int64> |
ExpirationDate | string or null <date-time> |
ExtraTokens | integer <int64> |
ExtraTokensEndDate | string or null <date-time> |
IsActive | boolean |
IsManaged | boolean |
IsYearlyPaid | boolean |
NextMonthlyTerm | string <date-time> |
OptionalLinkedSubscriptionId | string or null |
PassportId | string or null |
PlanId | integer <int32> |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> |
SubscriptionDate | string or null <date-time> |
SubscriptionId | string or null |
SubscriptionProvider | string or null |
TokensPercentUsageAlert | integer <int32> |
TokensPercentUsageAlertSent | boolean |
Response samples
- 200
No token is charged for this operation.
query Parameters
applicationId required | string |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | string or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
No token is charged for this operation.
query Parameters
applicationId required | string |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | string or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
No token is charged for this operation.
query Parameters
applicationId required | string |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | string or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Gets the maximum number of threads to be used simultaneously by a client application.No token is charged for this operation.
query Parameters
applicationId required | string |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | integer <int32> The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Annotates a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfAnnotateParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of page to be annotated. |
AnnotationType | string Default: "StickyNote" Enum: "StickyNote" "Link" "FreeText" "Line" "Square" "Circle" "RubberStamp" Defines the different available types of annotations. |
object (FreeTextAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the FreeText Annotation. | |
object (LineAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the Line Annotation. | |
object (LinkAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the Link Annotation. | |
object (RubberStampAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the Rubber Stamp Annotation. | |
object (SquareAndCircleAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the Square / Circle Annotation. | |
object (StickyNoteAnnotationParameters) Represents information about the Sticky Note Annotation. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Automatically crops a page range from a previously uploaded PDF, based on page content.2 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfAutoCropParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
MarginBottom required | number <float> Specifies, in points, the width of the bottom margin for the cropped content; |
MarginLeft required | number <float> Specifies, in points, the width of the left margin for the cropped content. |
MarginRight required | number <float> Specifies, in points, the width of the right margin for the cropped content. |
MarginTop required | number <float> Specifies, in points, the width of the top margin for the cropped content. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the page or the range of pages to be cropped. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "MarginLeft": 0,
- "MarginTop": 0,
- "MarginRight": 0,
- "MarginBottom": 0
Response samples
- 200
Performs auto deskew on a page range of a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
A PdfAutoDeskewParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the page range to be auto-deskewed. |
MaxAngleOfResearch | number <float> Default: 15 Specifies the maximum skew angle to be detected. A value of below 15 is suggested. |
Optimistic | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the skew detection engine must be optimistic when detecting angles. If you know the image is skewed, you should set this to true. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Clears a page range from a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfClearPageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of pages to be cleared. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Clones specific pages from a previously uploaded document to another previously uploaded document.2 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfClonePageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
DestinationPage required | integer <int32> Specifies the number of the page where the cloned page(s) shall be inserted. If a value inferior to 0 or greater than the total number of page of the PDF is provided, the page(s) shall be inserted respectively at the beginning or the end of the PDF. |
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be cloned. |
SourceFileId required | string non-empty Specifies the file identifier of the PDF to be cloned. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "SourceFileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string",
- "DestinationPage": 0
Response samples
- 200
Closes a previously uploaded document.No token is charged for this operation.
Request Body schema:
A PdfCloseDocumentParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Converts a page range of a previously uploaded PDF to grayscale.5 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfConvertToGrayscaleParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Annotations | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the annotations shall be converted to grayscale. |
FormFields | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the form fields shall be converted to grayscale. |
Graphics | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the path-based graphic objects shall be converted to grayscale. |
Images | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the images shall be converted to grayscale. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be converted to grayscale. |
Text | boolean Default: true Specifies whether the text shall be converted to grayscale. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Converts a previously uploaded document to PDF/A.10 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfConvertToPDFAParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
AllowRasterization | boolean Default: true If set to true, conversion engine will use the page rasterization in case direct conversion and verorization are not possible or allowed. |
AllowVectorization | boolean Default: true If set to true, conversion engine will use the page vectorization in case direct conversion is not possible. |
Conformance | string Default: "PDFA2b" Enum: "PDFA1a" "PDFA1b" "PDFA2a" "PDFA2b" "PDFA2u" "PDFA3a" "PDFA3b" "PDFA3u" "PDFA4" "PDFA4e" "PDFA4f" Specifies the different available PDF/A conformance levels. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Deletes a page range from a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfDeletePageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be deleted. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Detects the orientation of the page(s) of a previously uploaded document and offers to automatically rotate them.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
A PdfDetectPageOrientationParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be processed. |
AutomaticallyApplyRotation | boolean Default: true Specifies whether a rotation shall be automatically applied in order to correct the page orientation when needed. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageOrientationInfo) Holds information about the detected page orientations. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Signs a previously uploaded document digitally.5 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfDigiSignParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
CertificateData required | string <byte> Specifies the data of the digital PKCS#12 certificate file. |
CertificatePassword required | string non-empty Specifies the certificate password. |
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
ContactInfo | string or null Default: "" Specifies contact information about the signer. |
DrawSignature | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the signature shall be drawn on the document. |
ImageData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the image to be drawn at the signature location. This parameter is used only when the signature is requested to be drawn. |
Linearize | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the signed PDF shall be linearized. |
Location | string or null Default: "" Specifies the location where the signature is applied. |
PageNumber | integer <int32> Default: 1 Specifies the number of the page on which the signature shall be drawn. This parameter is used only when the signature is requested to be drawn. If the page number is invalid, the signature shall be applied on the first page. |
Reason | string or null Default: "" Specifies the reason of the signature. |
ShowValidationMark | boolean Default: false |
SignatureCertificationLevel | string Default: "NotCertified" Enum: "NotCertified" "NoChanges" "FormFilling" "FormFillingAndAnnotations" Specifies the level of the signature certification. |
SignatureHashAlgorithm | string Default: "SHA256" Enum: "SHA1" "SHA256" "SHA512" "SHA224" "SHA384" Specifies the SHA (hash) algorithm to use while signing. |
object (DrawableContentLayoutParameters) Represents information about the layout of a content, on the page it is drawn onto. | |
SignatureMode | string Default: "AdobePPKMS" Enum: "AdobePPKMS" "AdobePPKLite" "AdobeCADES" Specifies the security handler of a signature. |
object (PdfAlignedTextParameters) Represents the parameters for aligned text content. | |
SignerName | string or null Default: "PassportPDF" Specifies the name of the signer. |
TimeStampPassword | string or null Default: "" Specifies the optional password associated with the time stamp server. |
TimeStampURL | string or null Default: "" Specifies the URL of the server responsible of providing a time stamp. |
TimeStampUserName | string or null Default: "" Specifies the optional user name associated with the time stamp server. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "CertificateData": "string",
- "CertificatePassword": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Draws an image on a page range of a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfDrawImageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the page range on which the image shall be drawn. |
BitonalCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
DrawOnBackground | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the image shall be drawn in the background. |
ImageData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the image to be drawn. If no image data are provided, the image is loaded using the provided image file ID. |
ImageFileId | string or null Default: "" Specifies the file ID of the image to be drawn. If no image data are provided, the image is loaded using the provided image file ID. |
object (DrawableContentLayoutParameters) Represents information about the layout of a content, on the page it is drawn onto. | |
Opacity | number <float> Default: 100 Specifies the opacity of the image, in the range [0 (fully transparent) : 100 (fully opaque)]. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Rotation | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the rotation applied to the image, in degrees, clockwise. |
RotationAt | string Default: "Centered" Enum: "TopLeft" "BottomLeft" "Centered" "Custom" Specifies the rotation center point with respect to the bounding box of the content being added. |
RotationCenterX | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the absolute horizontal coordinate of the rotation center from the top-left edge of the content, in points. |
RotationCenterY | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the absolute vertical coordinate of the rotation center from the top-left edge of the content, in points. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Extracts a page range from a previously uploaded document into one or several new documents.5 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfExtractPageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to be extracted. |
ExtractAsSeparate | boolean Default: false Specifies whether each extracted page shall form a separate document. |
ImmediateDownload | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the file(s) created as a result of the action shall be available for immediate download. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
FileData | Array of strings or null <byte> Specifies the data of the file(s) created as a result of the action. If immediate download is not requested, no file data will be returned. |
FileIds | Array of strings or null Specifies the identifier(s) of the file(s) created as a result of the action. If immediate download is requested, no file identifier will be returned. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Extracts text from the document pages.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfExtractTextParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the number of the page, or the range of pages to extract text from. |
IncludeHeader | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the CSV output should include header information. This parameter is only used when the textExtractionMode is set to "WholePageCSV" mode. |
TextExtractionAreaHeight | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the height of the text extraction area for the PageAreaFormated extract mode. The location of the coordinate system origin used is top-left and the measurement units are inches (1 Inch = 72 points). |
TextExtractionAreaLeft | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the left coordinate of the text extraction area for the PageAreaFormated extract mode. The location of the coordinate system origin used is top-left and the measurement units are inches (1 Inch = 72 points). |
TextExtractionAreaTop | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the top coordinate of the text extraction area for the PageAreaFormated extract mode. The location of the coordinate system origin used is top-left and the measurement units are inches (1 Inch = 72 points). |
TextExtractionAreaWidth | number <float> Default: 0 Specifies the width of the text extraction area for the PageAreaFormated extract mode. The location of the coordinate system origin used is top-left and the measurement units are inches (1 Inch = 72 points). |
TextExtractionMode | string Default: "WholePageReadable" Enum: "WholePageReadable" "PageAreaReadable" "WholePageCSV" "WholePagePreserveLayout" "WholePagePreserveParagraphs" Defines the different available modes for text extraction. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageText) The text extraction results from individual pages. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Flattens the form-fields, annotations, and/or the layers of a previously uploaded document.2 tokens are charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfFlatten object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
FlattenAnnotations | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the annotations shall be flattened. |
FlattenFormFields | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the form-fields shall be flattened. |
FlattenLayers | boolean Default: false Specifies whether the layers shall be flattened. |
PageRange | string or null Default: "*" Specifies the range of page whose form-fields and annotations shall be flattened, if any. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets information about a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfGetInfoParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
Response Schema:
Author | string or null Specifies the author name specified within the PDF, if any. |
CanAddNotes | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to add annotations. |
CanAssemble | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to assemble the document. |
CanCopy | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to copy or extract text and graphics from the document. |
CanCopyAccess | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed for copying or extracting for use with accessibility features. |
CanFillFields | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to fill-in form fields. |
CanModify | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to modify the document. |
CanPrint | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to print the document, but possibly not at the highest quality level. |
CanPrintFull | boolean Specifies if the user is allowed to print the document with high resolution. |
CreationDate | string or null Specifies the date and time the document was created, as set in the document information dictionary. |
Encryption | string Default: "PdfEncryptionNone" Enum: "PdfEncryptionNone" "PdfEncryption40BitRC4" "PdfEncryption128BitRC4" "PdfEncryption128BitAES" "PdfEncryption256BitAES" Specifies the encryption algorithm. |
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
HasOwnerPassword | boolean Specifies if the PDF is protected with a owner password. |
HasUserPassword | boolean Specifies if the PDF is protected with a user password. |
IsLinearized | boolean Specifies whether the document is a valid linearized PDF (optimized for web viewing). |
IsTagged | boolean Specifies whether the document conforms to Tagged PDF conventions. |
Keywords | string or null Specifies the keywords associated with the PDF, if any. |
Metadata | string or null Specifies the metadata contained within the PDF, if any. |
ModificationDate | string or null Specifies the date and time the document was last modified, as set in the document information dictionary. |
PageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the number of pages of the PDF. |
Producer | string or null Specifies the producer name specified within the PDF, if any. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Subject | string or null Specifies the document subject specified within the PDF, if any. |
Title | string or null Specifies the document title specified within the PDF, if any. |
Version | string or null Specifies the version of the PDF. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets the metadata from a previously uploaded PDF as a string in the XMP standardized format.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfGetMetadataParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of a previously uploaded file. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Metadata | string or null The value of the document's metadata as a string in the XMP standardized format. |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets a thumbnail of each page within the provided page range from a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per page.
Request Body schema:
A PdfGetPageThumbnailParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of pages to get a thumbnail from. |
BackgroundColor | string or null Default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" Specifies the background color of the thumbnail(s), using the color name (ie: "red") or its RGBa code (ie: "rgba(255,0,0,1)"). |
ThumbnailFitToPageSize | boolean Default: true Specifies if the size of the produced thumbnail is automatically adjusted to don't have any margin. |
ThumbnailHeight | integer <int32> Default: 220 Specifies the height, in points, of the thumbnail(s). The minimum and maximum values are respectively 1 and 4096. |
ThumbnailWidth | integer <int32> Default: 140 Specifies the width, in points, of the thumbnail(s). The minimum and maximum values are respectively 1 and 4096. |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Array of objects or null (PageImage) Contains all the obtained thumbnails. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Gets the supported file extensions by the LoadDocumentAsPDF action.No token is charged for this operation.
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
Value | Array of strings or null The response value. |
Response samples
- 200
Inserts an image on a new page of a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfInsertImageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageRange required | string non-empty Specifies the page or the range of pages where the image shall be inserted. Use the total number of page + 1 in order to insert the image after the last page. |
BitonalCompression | string Default: "JBIG2" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ColorImageCompression | string Default: "JPEG" Enum: "None" "Flate" "CCIT4" "JPEG" "JBIG2" "JPEG2000" Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
ImageData | string or null <byte> Specifies the data of the image to be inserted. If no image data are provided, the image is loaded using the provided image file ID. |
ImageFileId | string or null Default: "" Specifies the file ID of the image to be drawn. If no image data are provided, the image is loaded using the provided image file ID. |
Quality | integer <int32> Default: 75 Specifies the level of quality to be used for the compression, from 1 (poorest) to 100 (greatest). |
Response Schema:
object (Error) Contains all the information related to an error which has occurred. | |
RemainingTokens | integer <int64> Specifies the number of remaining tokens. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "FileId": "string",
- "PageRange": "string"
Response samples
- 200
Inserts one or more new blank pages to a specific position in a previously uploaded document.1 token is charged per request.
Request Body schema:
A PdfInsertNewPageParameters object specifying the parameters of the action.
FileId required | string non-empty The identifier of the previously uploaded file to be processed. |
PageNumber required | integer <int32> Specifies the number of the page where the new page(s) shall be inserted. If a value inferior to 0 or greater than the total number of page of the PDF is provided, the page(s) shall be inserted respectively at the beginning or the end of the PDF. |
Height | number <float> Default: 842 Specifies, in points, the height of the page(s) to be inserted. If the width or the height are left unspecified or set to 0, the page size will be determined from the size of the existing pages. Point is defined as 1⁄72 or 0.0138 of the international inch, making it equivalent to 0.3527 milimeter. Various standardized paper size definitions can be found at |
PageCount | integer <int32> Default: 1 Specifies the number of pages that must be inserted. |
Width | number <float> Default: 595 Specifies, in points, the width of the page(s) to be inserted. If the width or the height are left unspecified or set to 0, the page size will be determined from the size of the existing pages. Point is defined as 1⁄72 or 0.0138 of the international inch, making it equivalent to 0.3527 milimeter. Various standardized paper size definitions can be found at |